Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Starting to make noise

I don't give this blog nearly as much attention as it deserves. Hard to apologize about living life and enjoying every minute with my boys though. Things have been amazing lately, so many updates including school starting and all our late summer adventures.There is one thing that far outshines everything else in my world.

Jackson has started to talk!!!

As most of you know that follow me or this blog, Jack has been diagnosed with Autism. Autism is a spectrum disorder and affects every single person differently. Latest studies actually say it now affects about 1 in 90 kids. Nobody knows how, what for, or why... just one of those things. Basically with Jackson his speech and attention span haven't developed as with most. Up til 4 years old he used mostly baby talk and physical actions to communicate.As the new school season srarted, Jack returned to his special ed Pre-K class at his elementary school. We started to see almost immediate results. Jack is more excited about speaking

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Making little men this summer..

It has been far too long since I have updated this blog, I guess the boys and I have been to busy living life this summer. We had a lot of fun, shared some laughs and we all learned so much, myself included.

JC starts kindergarten next week and Jack starts his last year of Special Ed pre-school. I was reflecting on our summer a little bit as I got their school supply lists together (Spending $200 bucks at Wal Mart without buying an above ground pool will make you do that).

I know that I will never win father of the year but I feel I do a great job of teaching my boys how to be polite and thoughtful kids as well as how to make the most out of every situation. I want them to be strong independent men that make good decisions and leave every person and situation they come in contact with better than how they found it. I think I accomplish this with each of the boys daily in their own way.

JC just turned 6 years old. There is no mistaking he is my son. He loves to crack jokes, he notices everything and has a memory like no kid I have ever met. I treat him like he is 10 years old or older because I expect him to act that way... and he does. I would take him anywhere with me and usually do. He has road tripped across the southeast, attended large sporting events and will go on sales calls with me. He has a vocabulary that shocks me and embarrasses me at times.

Jack on the other hand is a little different. He just turned 5 and has been diagnosed with Autism since he was 2. He rarely speaks, if at all,  but always manages to communicate what it is he wants. I don't treat Jack any differently than I do JC. More importantly I don't let his  disorder dictate anything about our lives other than the extra therapy he gets at school. You would never guess Jack has special needs by the way he acts or the way he interacts with JC and I. I'm extremely proud of him and all the progress he's made so far.

I guess you can tell these boys mean the world to me. I love them both so much and I am so proud of all the things they have accomplished so far in their young lives. I will continue to show the boys the world, let them to continue to explore and discover. I want them to see right and wrong, for their own opinions and decide what they like and dislike about this crazy world. I can't believe it's time for another school year to start and my big homie is starting kindergarten.

 I have a bet it will take less than 7 days for me to get the first call from his teacher because he said "shut the front door" in class. At least I know Jack is my lil angel and I love them both just the same at the end of the day. Thanks for a great summer boys!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Autism Awareness and My Jackson

So this being Autism Awareness month I decided I will share a little about my lil homie Jack. Jackson Keller is my youngest son, he turns 5 years old in just a few short weeks. Jack was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 4. At his 2 year check up, I voiced some concerns over his inability to make eye contact, respond to his name or use any verbal communication. Although some lil guys are late developers and it was hard not to compare him to JC (who never shuts up)... the Doc did see enough reason to get him in for developmental evaluation.

So a therapist comes to our house a few weeks later and does a number of tests and to evaluate Jack on and his behavior to see if he qualifies for the state run program for Developmental Delay. For the next year Jack saw a Speech and Occupational therapist in our house 3 times a week. A lot of days were very frustrating. You wonder why he couldn't sit still and pick up remedial lessons, you wonder why in your head if there was anything you could do to prevent his disorder and most importantly wonder if things will get better for him. The answers are he wasn't ready, no and yes.... they get better everyday.

Jack started the early education special ed pre-k program with the school system when he turned 3. It is intense classroom environment therapy 4 days a week for 3 hours at a time. There is a head teacher, 2 aides, speech therapist, occupational therapist and an Autism therapist in a classroom of 10 children. Constant attention, lessons and love the entire time. I can not begin to tell you how impressed I am with the program and all the teachers that therapists that spend so much time and energy teaching life skills and fundamentals of communication to the little babies we love so much. Even for JC who serves as a peer mentor in a different class has improved so much. Manners, speech, relationship skills and just getting more accustom to the school environment will make Kindergarten a breeze for him next year.

Jack has been getting therapy and counseling on several different levels for 3 years now. For people that go a long period of time without seeing him; they can't believe it's the same child. He is so much more engaged with the people and things around him now. He learns how to do small tasks after only being shown once. He is starting to talk a lot more, but still not in terms of conversation. He will surprise me with the things he chooses to repeat sometimes when you think he isn't listening.

Autism is a spectrum disorder and it affects everyone differently. 1 in 88 children fall somewhere on the spectrum and are affected in some form or fashion. Jack is my little angel. Nothing in the world feels better than cuddling up to him and tickling him til he cries with laughter. He is so happy and excited about all the world has to offer and I am so excited for all the great times and lessons I will be able to teach him. He makes me feel so proud as a dad and he opens my eyes to something new everyday as I see him grow and explore in this crazy world. I'm sorry I put off so long writing this because Autism Awareness and Jack mean so much to my life.

I love you Jack and I can't wait to see what we can learn tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

They make me more proud everyday...

I didn't really hear "I'm proud of you" growing up, especially from my Dad. My boys hear it so often JC makes fun of me and says "no dad, I'm proud of you more". I want them to know constantly, no matter how small the feat that I love them and that I am proud of everything they accomplish.
As in every situation and family, I have two very different unique boys to deal with daily. JC is a fiery 5 year old that's never met a stranger. They call him the Mayor in pre-school. He runs the class, helps the other kids and never shuts his mouth. He is a great brother, always looks out for a lil man and keeps me laughing because he has jokes for days. I'm proud of JC tonight because he didn't want to take a bath.... said big boys take showers. I've been swimming and got less wet than I did helping him get a shower tonight. But we did add loofah and body wash to his vocabulary. Good times. proud of you and I love you JC.
Jack on the other hand is my lil angel. He has been diagnosed with Autism for a couple years now. He has been receiving speech, occupational and Autism therapy since he was 2 and has made huge strides, especially the last 4 months. Jack doesn't speak much so we communicate mostly by touch or him showing me what he wants or needs. He has as sweet as an angel, smile lights up in the room and I nearly have to pry him away from his teachers at school. They just can't get enough of loving on some Jackson. In the last week I have received two firsts; an open arm hug and he told me Good Night. I know these are little things, but not for me and not for my lil homie. Proud of you and love you Jack.
I am a proud daddy. I can't talk to people about Jack without getting a tear in my eye. I am so proud of his progress, how hard he works everyday and what a sweet baby boy he is. I am so excited about the things to come and all that his life has in store for him.
If JC becomes anymore of a spitting image of me... hang on world. He doesn't let me out of his sight and I see myself in him more everyday. He always keeps me on my toes and always know just what to say or do to make everything right in my world.
I love you boys, thanks for being so different and yet exactly the same.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Super Bowl Meltdown...

So as do most red blooded american men, I was looking forward to a great night with friends watching the Super Bowl, eating some great food and drinking a couplefew frosty adult beverages. The boys weren't feeling great but they weren't feeling like death either... good enough for them to stay at home and play and go to bed at a normal time.

As halftime nears, my phone rings. Conversationwith 5 year old follows:

Me: Hello
JC: Hey (whimper) Daddy
Me: Why are you crying, what's wrong buddy?
JC: Nothing..... just am. (more whimpering)
Me: Well there is no reason to cry. Tell me why you are upset.
JC: I miss you daddy. (Note: I had been gone for approx 2 hours)
Me: Well I miss you too lil homie. No reason to be sad though. I will be home soon, just watching the football game. I don't want you to be upset.
JC: I just love you daddy, that's all. (This is about the point where I felt like world's worst dad)
Me: I love you too very much and how bout we go to store tomm and find you a new book or something for being such a good boy this weekend.
JC: We gonna go to the bookstore?! Awww yeah, ok. bye daddy! (Click)

Part of me hangs up the phone thinking I have the best kid in the world and he loves me so much. Then the reality sunk in that he used me like a high school girl and her teenage boyfriend to get what she wants. Lil sucker.... crafty lil salesman... just like his dad. Love'em to death!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Operation Nanny.. failed

So things didn't work out the way I envisioned. Got 12 responses on CraigsList. 2 people sounded pretty normal and qualified. Lil phone interview, met at talked over some Chick-Fil-A nuggets with boys and hired to start a few days later. Worked one day, things went great.

Texted me this weekend and told me she took a full time job with a company and she couldn't come back. Well, there ya go. So back to drawing board. Repost on CraigsList and got 6 responses. 3 idiots responded to the last ad and I didn't respond then... freakin crazies. 1 was an ad for a babysitting service and the other was a scam from France somewhere. So I spoke with the one normal one and emailed 5 times today, we'll see how it goes.

As a side note, it was weird getting the boys cleaned up and dressed to go on a sales call with me this morning. I mean what do 4 and 5 year olds wear on a sales call in 2012. We went corduroys and Polo t shirts... I think it worked. Turns out after all that ( getting cleaned up, dressing all of us, me getting work stuff together, getting in car, driving downtown) my customer rescheduled as we were pulling in her parking lot. Oh well, just another experience I guess and at least the boys were ready for school early.

What will the rest of the week have in store....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Maybe I'm over reacting...No, I'm not.

I am looking for a new nanny to watch the boys. Someone that can be on time, treat them right, play and entertain them, and clean up after yourself. Not too much to ask for the something that means more to me than anything in the world. One of the girls that I have working now.. just not getting it done. Bad vibes, won't be back.

So I have had great luck on Craigslist. I post a little ad, get a dozen responses or so over the next few days. Lil phone interview, meet at the park with the boys and play a lil bit, and they come to the house and show how things work. Easy program.

If you can not respond with a semi professional and courteous email in response to a job opening... you can't possibly be surprised when you don't receive a response. If I see you can't communicate like an adult, why in the hell would I allow you to be a caregiver for my children?!? People are crazy, luckily we have a girl the boys adore until she goes back to school (hey Brit) and meeting a potential on Monday ( one of the 2 responses that didn't sound completely koo-koo). And P.S., if your online photos make Snooki look normal, it's just not gonna work out.

The things I go thru for you boys.... daddy loves you.