Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Starting to make noise

I don't give this blog nearly as much attention as it deserves. Hard to apologize about living life and enjoying every minute with my boys though. Things have been amazing lately, so many updates including school starting and all our late summer adventures.There is one thing that far outshines everything else in my world.

Jackson has started to talk!!!

As most of you know that follow me or this blog, Jack has been diagnosed with Autism. Autism is a spectrum disorder and affects every single person differently. Latest studies actually say it now affects about 1 in 90 kids. Nobody knows how, what for, or why... just one of those things. Basically with Jackson his speech and attention span haven't developed as with most. Up til 4 years old he used mostly baby talk and physical actions to communicate.As the new school season srarted, Jack returned to his special ed Pre-K class at his elementary school. We started to see almost immediate results. Jack is more excited about speaking

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