Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas is done..

Well Christmas 2011 is now officially complete. After visiting 2 grandma's and opening presents at home, the boys racked up more toys and STUFF than I know what to do with. I purged their bedrooms but I didn't come anywhere close to get getting rid of enough to break even.

I took the boys to have their first Waffle House experience on Christmas Eve. Surprisingly there wasn't a crowd. Jack loved his waffle and and JC had a blast stealing my hash browns and flirting with the waitress. Oddly enough she was young and half way normal looking. (Ever wonder what leads a person to work at Waffle House, especially a younger person).

I did feel awful this year, my mom had to spend Christmas weekend alone in Georgia. Due to wonderful technology though, I was able to set up the laptop and let her watch the boys open their presents. It was awesome seeing how excited they both got talking to each other and the boys showing off their gifts. It was nice being able to include her a little bit, she misses a lot of the boys growing up.

It's just fun and exciting to see the boys get old enough to understand and appreciate Christmas and Birthdays. I love you boys and I'm proud of you. Can't wait for our next great adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys had a blast, glad your Mom got to "be there" with you. JC's Waffle House experience... yep, mini-you. I'm just glad you can't reach my hash browns.
