Monday, April 16, 2012

Autism Awareness and My Jackson

So this being Autism Awareness month I decided I will share a little about my lil homie Jack. Jackson Keller is my youngest son, he turns 5 years old in just a few short weeks. Jack was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 4. At his 2 year check up, I voiced some concerns over his inability to make eye contact, respond to his name or use any verbal communication. Although some lil guys are late developers and it was hard not to compare him to JC (who never shuts up)... the Doc did see enough reason to get him in for developmental evaluation.

So a therapist comes to our house a few weeks later and does a number of tests and to evaluate Jack on and his behavior to see if he qualifies for the state run program for Developmental Delay. For the next year Jack saw a Speech and Occupational therapist in our house 3 times a week. A lot of days were very frustrating. You wonder why he couldn't sit still and pick up remedial lessons, you wonder why in your head if there was anything you could do to prevent his disorder and most importantly wonder if things will get better for him. The answers are he wasn't ready, no and yes.... they get better everyday.

Jack started the early education special ed pre-k program with the school system when he turned 3. It is intense classroom environment therapy 4 days a week for 3 hours at a time. There is a head teacher, 2 aides, speech therapist, occupational therapist and an Autism therapist in a classroom of 10 children. Constant attention, lessons and love the entire time. I can not begin to tell you how impressed I am with the program and all the teachers that therapists that spend so much time and energy teaching life skills and fundamentals of communication to the little babies we love so much. Even for JC who serves as a peer mentor in a different class has improved so much. Manners, speech, relationship skills and just getting more accustom to the school environment will make Kindergarten a breeze for him next year.

Jack has been getting therapy and counseling on several different levels for 3 years now. For people that go a long period of time without seeing him; they can't believe it's the same child. He is so much more engaged with the people and things around him now. He learns how to do small tasks after only being shown once. He is starting to talk a lot more, but still not in terms of conversation. He will surprise me with the things he chooses to repeat sometimes when you think he isn't listening.

Autism is a spectrum disorder and it affects everyone differently. 1 in 88 children fall somewhere on the spectrum and are affected in some form or fashion. Jack is my little angel. Nothing in the world feels better than cuddling up to him and tickling him til he cries with laughter. He is so happy and excited about all the world has to offer and I am so excited for all the great times and lessons I will be able to teach him. He makes me feel so proud as a dad and he opens my eyes to something new everyday as I see him grow and explore in this crazy world. I'm sorry I put off so long writing this because Autism Awareness and Jack mean so much to my life.

I love you Jack and I can't wait to see what we can learn tomorrow!

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